How do you clean fabric upholstery ?
Fabrics come with a recommendation code. W=wet, S=solvent, W/S= wet or solvent. We will inspect your fabric to determine the safest,most effective method to obtain the best possible cleaning.

How long does the upholstery take to dry ?
This is always the hardest question to answer ! The simple answer is up to 12 hours. There are many factors that effect drying of the upholstery...humidity,air flow, etc. If you need your upholstery dry sooner, we recommend placing fans in the areas, turning on furnace/air conditioning to a moderate level. We do ask that loose pillows be rotated 6 hours after cleaning.

Do I need to vacuum before cleaning ?
Yes, if you can. If not, we will remove the dry particulate.

Do you guarantee all the spots and stains will come out during cleaning ?
With over twenty years experience cleaning upholstery, we can restore many situations. Unfortunately, there are stains and discolorations that occur that are permanent. We will do everything possible, but we can't guarantee all spots and stains will come out.