How do you clean rugs ?
Some rugs are delicate hand crafted. Others are more durable, machine woven pieces. Each rug is thoroughly inspected to determine if the rug is of natural or synthetic fiber, the stability of the dyes, and which method of cleaning is most appropriate for the situation.

How long does the rugs take to dry ?
This is always the hardest question to answer ! The simple answer is up to 24 hours. There are many factors that effect drying of the carpet...humidity,air flow, etc. If you need your carpet dry sooner, we recommend placing fans in the areas, turning on furnace/air conditioning to a moderate level to move air. Please do not remove tabs and blocks from the feet of furniture for 24 hours.

Is it safe to clean the rugs on my hard surfaces ?
Absolutely. We take extreme precaution to ensure that all surfaces are protected during and after the cleaning process. Please note. Over time, ultra violet light from the sun does cause discoloration of wood and vinyl flooring.

Do I need to vacuum before cleaning ?
Yes, If you can. If not, we will remove the dry particulate.

Do you guarantee all the spots and stains will come out during cleaning ?
With over twenty years experience cleaning rugs, we can restore many situations. Unfortunately, there are stains and discolorations in rugs that occur that are permanent. We will do everything possible, but we can't guarantee all spots and stains will come out.