How do you clean the carpets ?
We believe our process is one of the most thorough in the industry. We start by pre-treating the carpet including spots, stains, traffic patterns. Then we agitate the carpet with rotary brushes to breakdown and suspend the soils. After that, we steam clean the carpet. Then we bonnet the carpet to remove as much moisture as possible. Lastly, we inspect and groom the pile for appearance.

How long does the carpets take to dry ?
This is always the hardest question to answer ! The simple answer is up to 24 hours. There are many factors that effect drying of the carpet...humidity,air flow, etc. If you need your carpet dry sooner, we recommend placing fans in the areas, turning on furnace/air conditioning to a moderate level to move air. Please do not remove tabs and blocks from the feet of furniture or add additional furniture/area rugs to the area for 24 hours.

Do you move furniture ?
Yes we do. We do ask that you remove the smaller items(ie. magazine racks, plants, etc.) and breakables(ie. lamps, nick nacks, etc.) from the room. We do reserve the right to not move any piece we feel is unsafe to successfully move with out breakage. Items we never move are pianos, entertainment centers, pool tables, curios, hutches.

Do I need to vacuum before cleaning ?
Yes, if you can. If you are unable to vacuum before your appointment due to disability or time constraints. Please let us know. We offer a pre-vacuum service for a small fee.

What is considered an area. ?
An area is a room up to 250 square feet. If a room is larger, an overage fee will be assessed. Livingroom / Dining room combination rooms are considered two areas. Staircases are charged per stair. Standard 3 1/2 foot wide hallways are charged by linear feet. Hallways over 100 square feet are considered an area. Standard closets are included in area. For large walk-in closets, an overage fee will be assessed.

Will my carpets get dirty quicker, after cleaning ?
Over the years I have heard this many times. Quick resoiling of carpets can occur if soap residue is left in the carpet(ie. store rentals, soaps not being rinsed). Fortunately, our cleaning process is deep cleaning and removes the cleaners used, along with soils and allergens.

Do you guarantee all the spots and stains will come out during cleaning ?
With over twenty years experience cleaning carpets, we can restore many situations. Unfortunately, there are stains and discolorations in carpet that occur that are permanent. We will do everything possible, but we can't guarantee all spots and stains will come out.